Dental & Vision Insurance in Hollister, CA
The importance of overall well-being is something more and more people are thinking about. Countless studies have shown that taking care of your health can lead to demonstrable benefits in life. Moreover, being proactive about your health can help identify issues before they worsen.
Health insurance is commonly associated with well-being, but it doesn’t cover everything. In fact, most health plans don’t include dental or vision. Consequently, these aspects may seem less important; however, that’s far from the truth. Dental and vision coverage can be just as critical as health insurance regarding your overall well-being.
What Is Dental Insurance?
Dental insurance can play a vital role in overall health care by helping to cover dental expenses and treatments. It’s essential for individuals to grasp the terms, coverage choices and limitations of dental insurance to effectively manage health care costs while prioritizing their oral health.
What Does Dental Insurance Cover?
Dental insurance can help cover the expenses associated with routine dental checkups and treatments for teeth and gums. This coverage may support oral health while reducing the financial strain of dental services. Typically, dental insurance includes essential procedures like dental cleanings, exams and X-rays. Different policies can provide more robust coverage and cover more services. Review your options with an insurance professional to learn more.
What Does Dental Insurance Exclude?
Dental insurance typically excludes the following:
- Cosmetic procedures with no medical benefits, such as teeth whitening or veneers
- Hospitalization for dental services
- Dental treatments sought outside the United States unless due to an emergency
- Prescription or nonprescription drugs related to dental care
- Night guards
- Duplicate dentures
- Reconstructive surgery
How Do I Know What My Plan Covers?
Dental insurance plans differ in the treatments and services they cover, depending on the insurer and the specific coverage options chosen. Coverage limits and cost-sharing elements (such as copayments) also vary. The insurance policy documentation will outline what is covered, including any exceptions.
If you have questions about coverage for a specific procedure, your Richard W. Shelton Insurance agent can provide clarification. Our insurance professionals can help review your policy options and recommend the right coverage for your circumstances.
Learn More
Contact Richard W. Shelton Insurance to discuss dental insurance for yourself and your family.
What Is Vision Insurance?
While dental coverage focuses on oral health, vision insurance is tailored to your eyes. These plans often cover routine eye exams and eyeglasses frames and lenses; however, coverage can vary by insurer.
If you don’t wear glasses, having vision insurance can still be beneficial, especially considering its affordability. Routine eye exams look at your corneas, irises and the rest of your eyes to check for potential health concerns that might otherwise go unnoticed. This may include glaucoma, diabetes and other issues.
How Do I Get Dental and Vision Insurance?
Dental and vision insurance may be available through an employer’s group benefits. However, if that’s not an option, you can secure this coverage through private insurance.
Contact the experts at Shelton Insurance to learn more about obtaining these vital coverages. We can help you compare plan options and find the right insurance for your budget and needs.